Healing Crystal Kits
"The Power of Three" Crystal Kit
$10.00 $18.00
This kit includes 3 raw nuggets: one fluorite, one rose quartz and one sodalite. Each kit also comes with our in-depth Healing Properties Write-Up for each crystal. Healing Crystal Quick...
"The Right Environment" Crystal Kit
$62.00 $145.00
There are 10 healing crystals in this kit: rose quartz, green calcite, citrine, selenite, black tourmaline, sodalite, tigers eye, lepidolite, aventurine and pyrite. Plus a bonus piece of fluorite as...
Charging Crystal Kit
$14.00 $20.00
This kit includes 3 pieces: one point of clear quartz, one chunk of selenite and one point of citrine. Each kit varies but on average all pieces measure at least...
Crystal Points Kit
$38.00 $52.00
This kit includes 7 points: one point of clear quartz, one point of citrine, one point of tigers eye, one point of bloodstone, one flat point of labradorite, one selenite...
Window Cut Crystal Kit
$15.00 $24.00
This kit includes 3 window cut pieces: one amethyst nugget, one rose quartz nugget and one flat blue lace agate. The window cut on the amethyst and rose quartz has...